Lower body circuit workout to tone your legs and glutes

Tone up your legs and improve your cardio fitness with this lower body circuit workout. It’s a mixture of alternating cardio and strength exercises for the lower body. There are 10 exercises in the circuit, to be done for 45 seconds each. When you’ve completed one full circuit, start again and do 3 more circuits. The workout should take 20-25 minutes including warm up and cool down. 

Lower body circuit workout chart

Lower body circuit workout chart

Warm up, cool down and safety

This workout includes some high impact exercises, so you’ll need trainers or similar footwear that will absorb some of the impact.

Make sure you do the warm up exercises shown below. When you’ve finished your circuits, march on the spot for a minute or so, until your heart rate returns to normal. 

Please read these general exercise guidelines before you start your workout.

Exercise instructions

Warm up exercises

Do 16 repetitions of the lunges and calf raise and 30 seconds marching in place.

Lunge behind

March in place

Calf raise

Circuit exercises



Lower body circuit - Lunge

Knee lift warm up

Loer body circuit - Wall sit

Side leap

Lower body circuit - Standing side leg raise

Jump squat

Standing leg lift behind

Mountain climber

The benefits of leg strength training

Leg strength training is an essential part of any fitness routine. Strong legs provide a foundation for a wide range of activities, from everyday tasks like climbing stairs to more demanding pursuits like running and playing sports.

Benefits of Leg Strength Training

Leg strength training offers a multitude of benefits, including:

Increased strength and power: Stronger legs make it easier to perform everyday tasks and improve your performance in sports and other activities.

Improved muscle tone and definition: Leg strength training helps to sculpt and define your leg muscles, giving you a more toned and athletic appearance.

Reduced risk of injury: Strong legs provide better support for your joints, reducing your risk of injury during exercise and everyday activities.

Improved balance and coordination: Leg strength training can help to improve your balance and coordination, making you less prone to falls and other injuries.

Enhanced bone density: Leg strength training can help to increase bone density, reducing your risk of osteoporosis.

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About Zara Wilkinson 198 Articles
Cert HE Health Fitness & Personal Training (University of Bedford), Cert HE Sport & Fitness (Open University), VTCT Sports Massage Therapy (ACL Essex)