Standing donkey kicks challenge to tone up your glutes

This challenge targets the main glute muscle with two standing exercises, as well as pulsing variations on these two exercises. You might have done kneeling donkey kicks before – these are a great exercise for targeting the glutes, but standing donkey kicks have a few advantages:

  • No pressure on the knees – not everyone is comfortable with the kneeling position
  • The supporting leg works harder in a standing position
  • Balance and core muscles are challenged more in a standing position
  • You don’t need an exercise mat

Standing donkey kicks challenge exercise chart

There are 2 versions of standing donkey kicks in this challenge. The two exercises in this challenge work the glutes differently, due to the position of your body. For the wall exercise, you’re taking your leg from being in line with your back to out behind your body. The chair exercise is done in a bent over position and you lift your leg to be in line with your back. With both exercises, you should take care not to arch your back.

The chart shows you which to do each day and how many reps to do. Exercise instructions are below the chart. Please read these general exercise guidelines before you do this workout.

Standing donkey kicks challenge

Exercise instructions

Warm up

Warm up lunges

  1. Stand with your feet hip distance apart.
  2. Take your right leg out behind your body and tap your toes to the floor.
  3. Bring your leg back to starting position and then repeat on the left.
  4. Keep going until you’ve done 10 lunges on each side

Donkey kick exercises

Wall standing donkey kicks

Standing donkey kicks challenge - hip extension

  1. Have both hands on the wall for support.
  2. Lift one leg up behind, as high as you can without arching your back, then lower and repeat for the given number of reps.
  3. When you’ve completed all your reps, change legs.

Chair standing donkey kicks

Standing donkey kicks with chair

  1. Position a chair where it won’t move, against a wall for example.  Stand at arms’ length behind the chair.
  2. Bend over and hold with both arms onto the chair.
  3. Keeping your back flat, lift your right leg until it is parallel with the floor.
  4. Lower and repeat for the given number of reps.
  5. When you’ve completed all your reps, change legs.

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About Zara Wilkinson 196 Articles
Cert HE Health Fitness & Personal Training (University of Bedford), Cert HE Sport & Fitness (Open University), VTCT Sports Massage Therapy (ACL Essex)