30 minute full body home workout

This 30 minute at home workout includes a cardio fitness segment and strength/toning exercises for all the main muscle groups. It shouldn’t take you more than about 30 minutes, including a warm up. For best results you should do the workout 3 times a week.

What you need for the workout

Shoes suitable for high impact exercise: You’ll need training shoes to absorb some of the impact of the cardio exercises, preferably cross training or running shoes.

An exercise mat: you also need a cushioned surface for the floor work. See an exercise mat buying guide here.

A way of timing the cardio intervals: To time the intervals accurately, you can use a fitness watch, phone stopwatch or fitness app, or an ordinary stopwatch.

Safety notes on the workout

Please read these general safety guidelines. As this workout includes high impact exercises, it’s not suitable for anyone who has joint problems or who is very overweight. 

Warm up and stretching

To warm up, march in place for 30 seconds, then slow jog for 30 seconds, before taking it up to a full jog for your first 1 minute interval.

Stretching our muscles regularly maintains their flexibility and helps us to move more easily. The ideal time to stretch them is after a workout, when they’re warm. If you have time, then do this stretching routine after your workout. If you don’t have time, it’s not essential.

30 minute at home workout

Warm up first by marching in place for 30 seconds, then bringing it up to a slow jog for 30 seconds. After this start on the routine shown in the chart. Do 3 sets of the exercises for the times/number of reps given on the chart. (3 sets means do all the exercises and then start again and repeat twice more). Exercise instructions are below the chart.

30 minute at home workout full workout chart

Exercise instructions


Side leap

30 minute at home workout - Jack

Jump squat



Donkey kick

Knee push up

30 minute at home workout - Side lying leg raise 2

Side elbow plank

30 minute at home workout - Glute bridge


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About Zara Wilkinson 198 Articles
Cert HE Health Fitness & Personal Training (University of Bedford), Cert HE Sport & Fitness (Open University), VTCT Sports Massage Therapy (ACL Essex)