
This website is about finding solutions to fitting exercise into a busy lifestyle.  All the My Fitness Planner workouts are short but effective, so that you can fit them in when you have a few minutes to spare. Each workout post has a printable workout schedule. There are also posts on general well being and healthy living. There are 3 types of exercise plan on the site – quick workouts, challenges and fitness programs.

Quick workouts

The workouts are between 5 minutes and 20 minutes long.  Some are full body, or others focus on one area, such as abs or legs.


The idea of fitness challenges is that the intensity increases a little each day.  In this way, by the end of the 30 days you will have progressed quite a lot from day 1. They’re a good way to kick start your fitness, or add a bit of variety.

Fitness programs

These are 4 or 6 week programs, in which the workouts become more challenging each week, so that your fitness improves.

As well as these 3 workout categories, there are 3 further categories on the site.

General fitness planning

Resources for general planning, such as:

  • Assessing time available
  • Setting goals
  • Scheduling
  • Tracking
  • Reflecting
  • Recording progress
  • Diet planning

Healthy lifestyle

A collection of tips and information on all aspects of healthy living.


A note on safety

Although exercise is good for health, it’s important to exercise safely.  The programs on this site should be appropriate for anyone in good health, as long as the instructions are followed properly.  If you answer “yes” to any of the following questions, then you should consult your GP or other relevant health professional (eg physiotherapist, midwife)  before exercising:

  • Have you been inactive for several months or more?
  • Are you over 40 and not currently active?
  • Have you had any recent injuries or joint pain?
  • Are you very overweight or underweight?
  • Do you have a medical condition?
  • Are you pregnant or have you recently given birth?

Privacy policy

You can see the privacy policy for this site here.