Home workout challenge to get you into the exercise habit

The idea of this home workout challenge is that over the course of a month you build up a full body workout that you can continue to do on a regular basis once the challenge is finished. The post includes instructions for all the exercises and the challenge schedule broken down into 5 sections. At the end of the post you can download a PDF of the full challenge schedule.  The workout includes 2 exercises for each of the following:

  • Cardio fitness
  • Lower body strength
  • Upper body strength
  • Ab strength

Home workout challenge exercise chart

The chart shows you how many you should do of each exercise every day. The number shown is for total reps, so for example on day 1 10 side leaps means 5 to the right and 5 to the left.

Before you start, please read these general exercise safety guidelines. Also, make sure you do the warm up exercises shown in the exercise instructions below the chart.

You’ll need the following for the challenge:

Home workout challenge exercise chart

Exercise instructions

Warm up

Days 1-13 12 lunges behind and 12 knee lifts
Day 15 onwards as above 5 arm circles and 12 side bends

Lunge behind

Knee lift warm up

home workout challenge - Arm circles

Side bend

Main workout exercises

Side leap

Mountain climber



home workout challenge - Shoulder press

home workout challenge - woodchop

Bicycle crunch


Sign up for My Fitness Planner updates and get the free printable download link e-mailed to you:

After you sign up, you’ll get 2 e-mails, one will have a link to your printable download and the other will be a welcome e-mail.

If the e-mails haven’t turned up within a few minutes, please check your junk folder, as some service providers have very strict filters.

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About Zara Wilkinson 196 Articles
Cert HE Health Fitness & Personal Training (University of Bedford), Cert HE Sport & Fitness (Open University), VTCT Sports Massage Therapy (ACL Essex)