Jumping jack challenge for beginners

Jumping jacks – also sometimes called star jumps – are a popular exercise but beginners may struggle to do more than one or 2 at once. This jumping jack challenge for beginners starts with combining jacks and side squats, gradually building up to doing jacks continuously.

About this challenge

Intensity level: beginner

Benefits: high intensity cardio training and strengthens leg muscles

Safety: please read the general safety information here

Warm up: you should warm up your muscles and joints by doing the warm up exercises shown in the exercise instructions section below.

What you need: you should wear training shoes to absorb some of the impact of the jumping.

Jumping jack challenge for beginners chart

The challenge begins by alternating sets of jacks with side squats for recovery, to help you build up your stamina. As the challenge progresses, you will be doing more jacks in each set. From day 22 onwards, it’s jacks only. Instructions for the warm-up, jacks and side squats are below the chart, as well as a detailed explanation of the challenge.

Jumping jack challenge for beginners chart2

Days 1-6

On the first 2 days of the challenge, you’ll do 10 single jacks, with 2 side squats (one to the right and one to the left) in between each one. On days 3 & 4 it’s 8 lots of 2 jacks with side squats in between and days 5 & 6 it’s 6 lots of 3 jacks, again with the side squats in between.

Days 8-13

For the next stage of the challenge, you stick with 4 sets each day. The number of jacks in each set increases over the 6 days.

Days 15-20

Now it’s just 2 sets of jacks, with the number of jacks in each set increasing.

Day 22 onwards

For the last stage of the challenge, you do jacks continuously.

Exercise instructions

Warm up

Before you do the challenge every day, warm up your muscles and joints with 16 knee lifts:

Knee lift warm up

Jacks & side squats


Side squat

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About Zara Wilkinson 197 Articles
Cert HE Health Fitness & Personal Training (University of Bedford), Cert HE Sport & Fitness (Open University), VTCT Sports Massage Therapy (ACL Essex)